Share your views in the State of the Social Sector Survey
This is a moment of rapid change for the whole sector, as the cost-of-living bites and service demands rise.
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At NAVCA, we use evidence to demonstrate the value and impact of our members. That’s why we conduct and commission research about our members and their work, building the evidence base for local VCSE infrastructure support. We share the data and analysis of our research in accessible formats, so that we can promote the impact and value of local infrastructure to a wide audience.
Read more about our recent research below.
Good Practice Guide: Working with Local Infrastructure Organisations to engage smaller VCFSE organisations
We were commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA) to produce a guide for council officers and elected members. NAVCA members participated in the project to share examples of partnership working across a range of different activities and types of local authority. The guide sets out why working with the sector is beneficial for councils, the importance of creating a culture that values the voluntary sector, and how LIOs can facilitate this to build effective and trusted relationships.
NAVCA Membership Survey 2024:
We surveyed our members to find out more about their priorities, concerns, funding sources, and changes in income and expenditure.
Find out more hereNAVCA member Sandwell CVO
What is Local Infrastructure?:
This deep dive draws on Connecting Locally to explore what local infrastructure organisations do to support the local VCSE sector, and work in partnership with local authorities, health systems and other statutory public bodies to benefit communities.
Read moreConnecting Locally:
In November 2022, we published Connecting Locally, a research project commissioned by NAVCA from the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. The report gives an overview of the work of NAVCA members providing local infrastructure support for the VCSE sector.
Read more about it hereCharity Banking Report:
Banking is a fundamental requirement for the voluntary sector, yet a growing number of charities are struggling to find banking services that meet their needs. Over 1200 voluntary organisations responded to a survey commissioned by the Civil Society Group between March and May 2022. The results have shown that:
We are working with the banking sector to understand the challenges and collaboratively develop solutions. The report has been prepared by NAVCA, NCVO, ACRE, WCVA and CFG.