NAVCA members can access a wide range of events and networks, which provide the opportunity to connect with other people working in local infrastructure organisations across England, and with stakeholders working in relevant national and local partner organisations.

Below are some of our regular member networks and events, focused around what NAVCA members do. We also run a programme of topical events and themed workshops throughout the year.

To view our full calendar of events, log in to the member hub here.

Annual Conference

Every year, we host a conference to bring our members together to network, share knowledge, learn from others, and leave feeling equipped and inspired to take action.

Watch the video below to hear from members, NAVCA staff and partners about the importance of collective voice, and the value of networking at our 2024 conference.

You can also get your ticket to the Annual Conference 2025 now.

Get your tickets to the Annual Conference 2025

Who: All NAVCA members, key stakeholders, project partners and sponsors.

Health and Wellbeing Forum

A forum for NAVCA members to discuss all issues related to health and wellbeing. The focus is led by our members, and includes issues ranging from developing partnerships with integrated care systems, delivering social prescribing, supporting volunteering in health and addressing health inequalities.

Who: NAVCA members working on health and wellbeing, such strategic health leads or social prescribing leads.

Anti-Racist Group

Our Anti-Racist Group provides a safe space for members to come together to discuss work on anti-racism, encouraging and supporting action. Together, we identify and implement action, offer training, and share learning with the wider NAVCA membership.

Who: NAVCA members interested in taking anti-racist action.

Climate Network

A peer network for members working directly on responses to the climate crisis and other environmental issues. As well as sharing success from across the membership, this group feeds into wider national strategy and policy.

Who: NAVCA members who want to take climate action, such as community development workers and project workers.

New CEOs Network

In recognition of the unique challenges of being a local infrastructure CEO, we facilitate a space to for those new to the role to connect and explore challenges and solutions.  We bring together a new cohort of CEOs every 6 months, meeting every other month (3 sessions). This network also offers an opportunity to build an ongoing CEO support network, share knowledge and reduce the feelings of isolation the role can bring!

Who: New CEOs of NAVCA member organisations.

Volunteering Network

A peer support network for staff responsible for volunteering in NAVCA member organisations to share learning and good practice. We explore themes around the Vision for Volunteering, think strategically about volunteering, and feed into policy and influencing.

Who: NAVCA member volunteering leads, volunteer managers and similar roles.

Barking Owl

The Barking Owl is the network for all NAVCA members who work in a communications-related role. It is a friendly space to ask questions, share ideas and solve communications problems together. We also run communications workshops throughout the year – on topics including branding, filmmaking, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and more.

Who: Any NAVCA member that has comms as part of their role!

NAVCA members can sign up to all events by logging into our member hub.