From struggle to stability: What influences an LIO’s success?

For local infrastructure organisations (LIOs), stability isn’t just about funding, it’s about the conditions that help them operate effectively. New research commissioned by NAVCA highlights the stabilising and destabilising forces that shape how LIOs support their communities.

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Local government is changing - how do we work together?

As local government undergoes major changes, NAVCA is committed to ensuring our members and the communities they support are ready to navigate both the challenges and opportunities ahead. In this blog, Maddy Desforges OBE, NAVCA CEO, explores these changes and how NAVCA is working alongside ACRE to support the VCSE sector.

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Hear from our new Allyship Champions about their experiences

Earlier this year, we launched our new Allyship Champions programme, where NAVCA members learn more about being allies in their organisations and communities. In this blog post, Beck Vickers, NAVCA’s Resources Officer, reflects on her experience being part of the programme.

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