Why effective local infrastructure is about more than just funding

It’s no surprise that funding plays a role in shaping what local infrastructure organisations (LIOs) are able to do - but it’s not the full picture. New research from the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University highlights the complex conditions that influence an LIO’s effectiveness and sustainability.

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Unseen but essential: what is the voluntary sector microbiome?

The voluntary and community sector is large and diverse. It includes the big household name charities, as well as the smallest, often unregistered, voluntary and community groups. These groups could be described as the ‘microbiome’ of the sector – they are essential to community health and wellbeing, just as the human microbiome is essential to our individual health. However, the voluntary sector microbiome often goes unseen and unrecognised, despite playing an essential role in communities.

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Our reflections on 2024

As we approach the end of 2024, the NAVCA staff team have been looking back at our highlights from the year. We're sharing some of them with you in this blog post, including what we're looking forward to next year.

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How to prepare for winter: guidance for VCSE organisations

As the autumn and winter months set in, we know how important it is for charities and community groups to prepare for unpredictable weather. That’s why Ladbrook Insurance, an independent insurance broker specialising in the VCSE sector, have put together some useful guidance for NAVCA members and their networks on protecting your organisation in the event of bad weather

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How NAVCA member Up For Yorkshire saved their community centre

One of the many strengths of local infrastructure organisations is their ability to build and sustain positive and effective partnerships to support their communities. In this blog post, we tell the story of how NAVCA member Up for Yorkshire saved a community asset for residents in Selby. Keep reading to find out more.

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