Connecting Locally is a research project commissioned by NAVCA from the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. The report, published in November 2022, gives a detailed overview of local VCSE infrastructure support in England provided by NAVCA members.

The research demonstrates that local infrastructure responds to local needs, delivering a community-led approach to enable meaningful partnership working, collaboration and capacity building. Areas such as health, employment and education are all strengthened when there is a thriving local voluntary and community sector.

Through working with and advocating for communities, and coordinating support, our members are continuing to work with VCSE organisations to support the most deprived and excluded groups.

According to the research, NAVCA members face key challenges as we continue with an uncertain future. Firstly, they are working in an increasingly constrained financial context, which is likely to deteriorate with further cuts to local authority funding. It is often difficult to find funding for the delivery of core VCSE infrastructure support services.

Secondly, it can be difficult to convince others about the value of local VCSE infrastructure organisations, even when quality and impact have been demonstrated effectively.

Read the full report to find out more local VCSE infrastructure support, the challenges faced by NAVCA members, and how our members are working to build sustainability.

Read the full report:

Find out more about the impact and value of local infrastructure, the challenges faced by the NAVCA membership, and how our members are working to build sustainability.

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