At NAVCA, we want to see resilient and thriving communities through a flourishing voluntary and community sector, supported by high-quality local infrastructure organisations.

That's why a key aspect of what we do is to influence system change through our policy and advocacy work:


We listen to our members' experiences and concerns, consulting with them through topic-specific roundtables, surveys, and conversations. We do this so that we can understand the issues facing communities, voluntary and community groups and local infrastructure organisations. We use this information to identify the practical solutions that would help to solve these issues.


We conduct and commission research about our members and their work with communities and voluntary organisations, so that our work and lobbying is informed by evidence. We share the data and analysis of our research in accessible formats, so that we can demonstrate the impact and value of local infrastructure to a wide audience.


We amplify our members’ voices at a national level, to influence policy and funding. We do this by talking to policy and decision makers, participating in national forums and discussions, coordinating networks, and working with national and local government.


We support our members in their policy work by providing sector-specific briefings on national policy developments and proposals. We focus on the issues that are most relevant to our members, and ensure that the information we provide is timely and accessible.

Our members receive briefings directly. Read more about our policy work on our blogs below.

Policy Blogs

Unseen but essential: what is the voluntary sector microbiome?

The voluntary and community sector is large and diverse. It includes the big household name charities, as well as the smallest, often unregistered, voluntary and community groups. These groups could be described as the ‘microbiome’ of the sector – they are essential to community health and wellbeing, just as the human microbiome is essential to our individual health. However, the voluntary sector microbiome often goes unseen and unrecognised, despite playing an essential role in communities.

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