We are NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action). We are the national membership body for local infrastructure organisations, supporting the voluntary and community sector in England.

We work to amplify the voice of local infrastructure on a national level, as well as supporting our members to develop what they do.

Networks and connections

We bring our members together to lead, inspire and build confidence across the movement. We host events, including our Annual Conference, to share knowledge and facilitate peer support.

Annual Conference 2024

Information gathering and sharing:

We share information about emerging and important issues facing our members. We publish research and briefings on key topics and policies, and send regular members' newsletters.

Tools and resources:

We share support and best practice on a range of topics, and provide training or resources. We also offer the LIQA and VCQA, which allow organisations to demonstrate that they provide high-quality support for their local voluntary and community sector.

Influencing system change:

We promote the impact and value of local infrastructure on a national level, and we use member intelligence and knowledge to influence policy and practice. We also lead partnerships to deliver national projects, such as the VCS Emergencies Partnership and the Vision for Volunteering.

Annual Conference 2024