Our strategy sets out the aims, approach and values that guide our work at NAVCA:

Our vision is that every local area has a thriving voluntary and community sector, and strong social action to drive justice and active citizenship.

Our mission is to strengthen and champion a thriving and influential voluntary and community sector, through high quality local support organisations.

NAVCA strategy 2023-2028  Who we are – local focus national voice  NAVCA is the national membership body for local support organisations building a thriving voluntary and community sector.    We want every local area to be a great place to live and work.   We lead a movement with a national voice which believes in social change to improve people’s lives.   We are ambitious for local charities and community groups to be at the heart of flourishing and fair communities.   What we do Our vision is that every local area has a thriving community and voluntary sector and strong social action to drive justice and active citizenship.   Our mission is to strengthen and champion a thriving and influential voluntary and community sector through high quality local support organisations.    Our strategic ambitions are to: •	influence change and innovation in systems and services, locally and nationally, to shape a more fair and equal future and improve people’s lives; •	bring together thinking and action to increase the impact of our network; •	create a valued hub of knowledge which is shared widely to strengthen our action and impact; •	ensure the NAVCA movement has the tools, resources and connections it needs.  We are guided by a set of principles to ensure we stay true to our ambition.   •	We embrace diversity by ensuring inclusivity and equity are central to our thinking and practice; •	We place people and communities at the heart of everything we do, building trust through integrity and accountability; •	We believe empowering people and enriching democratic engagement creates resilience, innovation and impact; •	We believe in collaboration both within our network and with other sectors.   We are focussed on headline outcomes: •	Every community and every VCSE sector in England has access to high quality infrastructure support.  •	Equity and diversity are reflected in our work and decisions. •	Local infrastructure organisations have stronger connections to learn from each other, share successes and address challenges. •	National and local intelligence influences the movement’s work. •	Social action, democratic engagement, and volunteering locally are strengthened. •	NAVCA and its members have a strong voice locally and nationally to influence decision making.