Unseen but essential: what is the voluntary sector microbiome?

The voluntary and community sector is large and diverse. It includes the big household name charities, as well as the smallest, often unregistered, voluntary and community groups. These groups could be described as the ‘microbiome’ of the sector – they are essential to community health and wellbeing, just as the human microbiome is essential to our individual health. However, the voluntary sector microbiome often goes unseen and unrecognised, despite playing an essential role in communities.

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Our experience with a section 114: Nottingham CVS's story

As part of our section 114 project with Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, we spoke to Jules Sebelin, CEO of NAVCA member Nottingham CVS, about the role of local infrastructure, and what the future looks like for Nottingham as they navigate a section 114 notice.

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Autumn Budget: what does it mean for the voluntary sector?

The Autumn Budget announcement saw many potential changes and challenges for the voluntary sector and for the communities we work with. In our latest blog post, we highlight some of the key announcements and what they could mean for NAVCA members and their local communities.

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