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VCSE Alliance Representative Role Description 1

Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes

Role description for representing the Alliance at ICS, ICB and ICP meetings


VCSE Alliance Representative Role Description 2

Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West

Role description for representing the Alliance at ICS, ICB and ICP meetings


VCSE alliance portfolio leads role description

Surrey Heartlands

Role description for VCSE Alliance Chair


Key messages about the VCSE sector

Lancashire and South Cumbria

A ‘Key messages’ document used by individuals representing the VCSE Alliance


Structure and details of VCSE Representation in the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS

Lancashire & South Cumbria

Web page that explains all the meetings that require VCSE representation, who the representative is, and notes from meetings


Form for requesting VCSE representation in ICS activity or board or group

Lancashire and South Cumbria

A request form from a board or committee to the VCFSE Alliance for representation in ICS meetings/activity


Template role profile for VCSE Alliance representative


Generic template for a role representing the VCSE in ICB activity