Three reasons to buy your ticket to the NAVCA Annual Conference

February 12, 2024

We're holding our annual conference in April, and we want all our members to be part of it! This year, we're hosting the event online, to provide a more affordable option to engage with our conference, as well as enable more members to attend no matter where you are based. Keep reading to find out our top three reasons to buy your ticket today.

1) Your whole team will benefit. Over the past year, we have been looking to engage more members of staff from NAVCA member organisations in our work, such as community development workers and communications officers, as well as CEOs and trustees. At our conference, the workshops are tailored to the diversity and breadth of many different roles, and we're making this accessible through one ticket price that enables an unlimited number of people from one organisation to attend.

2) You will learn something new from people with expertise and experience. Our annual conference brings together a wide range of experts, including members, to share best practice on specific topics. You'll leave our conference with new insight, as well as knowledge on unique topics such as filmmaking, tackling the climate crisis, and ensuring everyone can access essential products, thanks to our sponsor In Kind Direct. As well as workshops, we have three exciting keynote speakers who will offer their fresh perspectives on the voluntary sector and the challenges we face.

3) You will build networks and connections. We are a membership network that covers around 84% of England, bringing together members from Northumberland to Cornwall and everywhere in between. Through networking at our workshops, you can build new relationships and connections, sharing ideas and strengthening the NAVCA movement for stronger, thriving communities.

Our conference is taking place online on 27 April, from 10:30am to 3:30pm.