Statement on recent violent disorder

August 5, 2024

As the national membership body for local voluntary and community sector support organisations in England, we utterly condemn the violent disorder perpetrated over the last five days. We recognise that the violence is rooted in racism and xenophobia, and we condemn the rhetoric that has manifested in these appalling attacks. This is not representative of the voluntary and community organisations our members work with or the areas and communities they jointly support. Together, we support and represent of voluntary and community sector groups across England who work hard to unite communities, tackle racism and build positive futures.

We are working in partnership with the VCSEP (Voluntary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership) to support our members who are:

  • Working to get messages out across communities and community organisations on the support available, how to stay safe;
  • Helping with local coordination of clean-up efforts where that is safe and appropriate, fundraising and providing support for communities affected to offer practical support;
  • Working with the voluntary, community and faith sector, statutory partners including local authorities and others to start to rebuild trust and develop cohesive communities.

We stand in solidarity with the communities affected, particularly refugees, immigrants and people of colour. We stand to support those individuals and families who are the victims of hate. We offer our support to the local community groups and charities who will continue their work and will start the necessary work of rebuilding lives and communities.

We will be actively working with our members across England to support the communities affected today and long into the future as vital community rebuilding takes place.