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VCSE partnership strategy (place)

North West London

Strategy for embedding voluntary and community action in the health and care system to address health inequalities


VCSE partnership strategy (system)

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Strategy for how the VCSE sector will partner with NHS to improve health and reduce health inequalities


VCSE Leadership Group website

Greater Manchester

Website covers a wide range of areas, not just health, as an interface between the sector and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and ICS


Harnessing the Power of Communities' website

West Yorkshire

West Yorkshire was an early adopter of the concept of integrating the VCSE into their emerging health and care system. They established a dedicated programme of engagement and service delivery for the VCSE sector, with dedicated staff


How health and care systems can work better with VCSE partners

NHS Confederation

Five ways ICSs can work with the voluntary sector to rebuild local systems and reset the way health and care is planned and delivered


Memorandum of understanding 1

Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West

Partnership agreement between VCSE sector and ICB


Memorandum of understanding 2


Partnership agreement between VCSE sector and public sector bodies


Partnership agreement

Lancashire and South Cumbria

Partnership agreement between VCSE sector and public sector bodies


Partnership engagement expectations

North West London

Expectations agreed between VCSE sector and ICB to enable the VCSE alliance to be an equal partner in the ICS


Partnership agreement summary slides


Visual representation of partnership agreement including process, commitments from ICB and VCSE and actions


VCSE Charter

South East London

Partnership agreement between VCSE sector and public sector bodies


VCSE Accord Agreement

Greater Manchester

Three-way partnership agreement between VCSE sector, NHS and combined local authority with detailed commitments


VCSE Assembly delivery contract


Contract for a local infrastructure organisation to deliver the VCSE assembly, with concise memorandum of understanding


Signing our VCSE partnership agreement

West Yorkshire

A video describing the process taken to develop the ICB-VCSE Partnership agreement in West Yorkshire


VCSE alliance vision and principles

Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West

One-page vision and principles for the VCSE alliance


Form for requesting VCSE representation in ICS activity or board or group

Lancashire and South Cumbria

A request form from a board or committee to the VCFSE Alliance for representation in ICS meetings/activity


VCSE Alliance Representative Role Description 1

Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes

Role description for representing the Alliance at ICS, ICB and ICP meetings


VCSE Alliance Representative Role Description 2

Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West

Role description for representing the Alliance at ICS, ICB and ICP meetings


VCSE alliance portfolio leads role description

Surrey Heartlands

Role description for VCSE Alliance Chair


Template role profile for VCSE Alliance representative


Generic template for a role representing the VCSE in ICB activity


Structure and details of VCSE Representation in the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS

Lancashire & South Cumbria

Web page that explains all the meetings that require VCSE representation, who the representative is, and notes from meetings


Key messages about the VCSE sector

Lancashire and South Cumbria

A ‘Key messages’ document used by individuals representing the VCSE Alliance


Terms of reference - VCSE Alliance 1

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

Agreement for how the VCSE Alliance will function and be structured


Terms of reference - VCSE Alliance 2

Lancashire & South Cumbria

Terms of reference for Lancashire & South Cumbria VCFSE Alliance


Terms of Reference - Community Assembly

Mid and South Essex

Terms of reference for VCSE Assembly


Terms of reference - VCSE Collaborative

Humber & North Yorkshire

Terms of reference for VCSE Collaborative which sits within the governance structure of the ICS


Terms of reference - VCSE strategy group

Hertfordshire and West Essex

Terms of reference for VCSE strategy group


Terms of reference - VCSE delivery programme

West Yorkshire

Terms of reference for 'Harnessing the Power of Communities', an ICB-funded programme of VCSE health and wellbeing service delivery and engagement


Terms of Reference - VCSE Partnership Programme Steering Group

North East and North Cumbria

Terms of Reference for VCSE Partnership Programme Steering Group


Alliance terms of reference template


Sample outlining what could be included in a 'terms of reference'