We published our Anti-Racism Statement and Call to Action

February 12, 2024

Earlier this week, we published our Anti-Racism Statement and Call to Action. In this blog post, we explain more about our work on this issue, our ongoing commitment to anti-racism, and the workshops we are hosting to help our members and their networks take action.

We follow the definition of anti-racism as the practice of actively identifying and opposing racism. We believe that the goal of anti-racism is through working together to actively change policies, behaviours, and beliefs that perpetuate racist ideas, actions and structural racism. We also carry an ongoing commitment to consideration of intersectionality (for further reading, see What is intersectionality? | The British Academy) and how this impacts on the lived experience of racism, whilst continuing to centre anti-racism within positive action.

In September 2021, we published our NAVCA Equality and Anti-Racism Statement of Intent, which led to the establishment of an Anti-Racism Working Group, made up of our members, member trustees, NAVCA trustees and staff.

During our October 2021 meeting, working group members agreed to expand its reach and influence, inviting wider NAVCA members to sign up to the anti-racist principles outlined below. One of the issues we have explored is that member organisations are at different stages of their work to be anti-racist, depending on factors including their history, geography, relationships and their own membership. We are conscious of the challenges and want to create the space for each organisation to move along its journey, wherever it is now. This statement and principles are designed to be accessible as well as challenging.

The Anti-Racism Group sees a commitment to being or becoming anti-racist as core and aligned with the aims of most voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. Indeed, where this is not the case, we invite our member organisations to share their reasoning if they believe that becoming an anti-racist organisation is not appropriate for their organisation. It can be a useful area to raise awareness, knowledge and action to address barriers to have what, at times, can be challenging / uncomfortable conversations with colleagues.

Earlier this week, we published our Anti-Racism Statement and Call to Action. You can read the full statement here, and if you are a NAVCA member, please get in touch to add your name and organisation to the statement.

Upcoming Events on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At NAVCA, we provide a platform and resources for our members and their wider membership to learn, discuss important issues and take action. We are pleased to be hosting two workshops with Gamiel Yafai, Director of Diversity Marketplace - one on 'Creating a culture of inclusion', and one for Boards and Trustees and their roles and responsibilities regarding equality, diversity and inclusion. We hope to see you at these free workshops:

16th March - Creating a culture of inclusion

In this workshop, we will explore what we can do and how we can implement practical steps to creating a culture of inclusion and becoming a diversity champion or an EDI ally within your organisation. We encourage all staff, volunteers and trustees of our members and their networks to come and experience this highly engaging and thought-provoking interactive event.

14 April -  Equality, diversity and inclusion: Boards and Trustee responsibilities

Addressing equality, diversity and inclusion helps a board to make better decisions. This requires commitment, but it means that a charity is more likely to stay relevant to those it serves and to deliver its public benefit. Recognising and countering any imbalances in power, perspectives and opportunities in the charity, and in the attitudes and behaviour of trustees, staff and volunteers, helps to make sure that a charity achieves its aims.

#AntiRacismInAction: Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise

Our CEO, Maddy Desforges, recently featured on the Black Further Education Leadership Group (BFELG)'s livestream on Anti-Racism within the VCSE sector. Maddy spoke alongside Cath Witherington, CEO of Voluntary Action Doncaster (a NAVCA member), Chine McDonald, Director of Theos Thinktank, and Stella Ngozi Mbubaegbu CBE, BFELG Executive Team Member.

You can watch or listen to the livestream, and read more about diversity and racism in the charity sector, here.

We are continuing to work on anti-racism within NAVCA and our membership. If you would like to contact us about this work please email maddy.desforges@navca.org.uk.